Soul mates – reality or fiction?
The concept of soul mates has been around since….well since any of us and our ancestors can remember. It is further personified through movies, music videos, celebrities with their 2.1 perfect families (on the surface anyway), books and pretty much every other media avenue that exists. There’s just no escaping it. We’re constantly bombarded with images of what the ‘perfect’ couple should look like from our infancy age and we’re even coached by certain books on how we can actually go out and find this phantom ‘soul mate’ we seek (ladies you know these books exist so let’s not deny it please). Even TV adverts are in on the game so no wonder most of us embark on the ambiguous and usually frustrating notion of finding our ‘soul mate’. Some would call this soul mate ‘the one’ but the question is ‘do they really exist’? Does the concept of soul mate (for everything it stands for) transcend from fiction to reality or is it really just a fiction? To answer this rather onerous question I fi...