My friend’s dilemma - Tell or keep schtump?

So last time I told you I was going to present you with a dilemma. I was speaking to my friend Jo from the states catching up on gossip (yep, we’re ladies after all) and after our usual banter her voice literally changed from jovial to hoarse in 1 note. I could tell something was up so I inquired to find out what was on her mind. ‘David is cheating on my sister and I don’t really know what to do about it’. Wow, talk about dropping a bombshell. David is her brother in-law who is married to her older sister and they have 3 lovely kids. A 7 year old girl Nkem, a 5 year old boy Eloka and the newest addition to the family is 17 months old Chidi. David by normal standards is financially secure – he has properties in various places across New York and also owns a bar which is main business base so he’s always there. Jo’s sister is a nurse and she had just recently returned to work after a lengthy maternity leave.

My observations of David when I met him during one of my trips to the states was that he is very quiet, softly spoken and slightly withdrawn (not a bad thing) but since hearing Jo’s story I have now come to the conclusion that the people with these qualities are the ones to watch out for. The story unfolded – apparently David has been seeing a ubiquitous 18 year old (he’s in his 40’s by the way) and he’s made it quite obvious. It’s beginning to look like he is basically flaunting her in people’s faces except his wife’s of course. She comes to his bar very often sitting by herself and patiently waiting for him to finish work after which he goes back to hers sometimes. He’s made no attempts to even shield this blossoming affair / relationship (or whatever you want to call it) from Jo. When she went to his bar on two occasions the girl had been there and it was pretty obvious something was going on between them. Her spy who works for David (she has now been subjected to deploying espionage skills) confirmed that they were definitely having an affair. Initially when they first started sneaking around he was a bit conscientious and was trying to hide it but now it’s gotten to the stage where he doesn’t go home after leaving the bar sometimes. His usual excuse to Jo’s sister is that he was tied up with the work load at the bar and he gets so tired that he sleeps there for a while before heading home. He owns the studio flats above the bar so his lie wasn’t too far fetched. All the while when he stays out he goes over to this girl’s flat and well, your guess is as good as mine what they get up to. Remember I mentioned he was quiet, softly spoken and a bit withdrawn so all his lies appear to be somewhat convincing. He also appears to be really dedicated to his kids. ‘Appears’ of course being the operative word because which dedicated father would risk losing his family for a flimsy fling with a teenager? I guess you can’t judge a book by its cover.

As Jo continued the story the situation progressively got worse, this girl had actually met his kids several times and he takes them all out together playing happy family (talk about cosy). He recently bought Jo’s sister a brand new Audi (no prizes guessing he’s trying to keep her sweet while he carries on with his extra curricular activities). When he was confronted by a close friend of his who was disgusted with his behavior he told him that the girl was the one pursuing him not the other way round. He claimed he has told her several times he wasn’t interested but she keeps turning up at the bar to see him and vehemently denies that anything was going on between them. Right, so he must have accidentally ended up in her flat (oh which by the way, Jo has found out he personally purchased) in the teeny hours of the morning and of course they don’t sleep together, they just stay up and have a good chat…please, give me a break. He’s got such roaming eyes that he even eyes up other girls that come to his bar and his 18 year old girlfriend has caught him ogling several times.

How has Jo confirmed all this? Her mole in the bar spilt the beans and they had a right good gossip. To say she’s disappointed with David is an understatement and I’m sure you can concur. She feels she’s been put in an uncompromising situation because if she tells her sister she could be blamed for breaking up their ‘happy’ home and if she doesn’t her sister would be angry when she finds out she knew about his shenanigans and sneaky rendezvous but said nothing.

What would you do if you were in her shoes?


  1. I dont understand why it's a dilemma is when it's your own flesh and blood being humiliated. The fact that Jo thinks she is going to be blamed for breaking up a happy home is a non-issue as anyone who does blame her is plain stupid. He needs to be exposed, plus he's flaunted the affair in front of colleages and children!! All Jo needs to do is tell her sister and then it's up to the sister how she wants to deal with it/him.

  2. Jo just needs to the chap to warn him off & say he's been watched, to save the expense of her sister's hurt...

  3. Meant Jo just needs to tell the chap to warn him off & say he's been watched, to save the expense of her sister's hurt...

  4. You're quite right, it's the quiet ones that one needs to watch out for. I think she should tell her sister's what I believe I'll do if I were in her situation.

  5. he should confront him first,IMO..and then threaten to tell the sister..tell him she knows and would tell since he cannot,at the very least respect his wife enough to be discreet

    she needs to apply wisdom here is not something you just blurt out to ur sis,how r u even sure she doesn't know if the guy is flaunting the chic like that ..

    if after warning,d guy no show remorse,then she should start by giving her sister hints,even finding out if she's suspicious..

    on the whole,she shd be wise how she goes abt it all

  6. Eve - I hear you. Should be a straight forward 'tell her and get it over with' but sometimes these things are not as straight forward as they appear to be. The problem she faces is that if she tells her sis and her borther in-law promises to buy a bigger house for them (which i can see him doing), she'll prob forgive him and Jo will start to feel very uncomfortable around them.

    Anon - Fair play. I suppose Jo can step up the ante by putting pressure on the sleeze bag.

    Tatababe - Those quite ones are very poisonous because you don't see their sting coming (lol).

    Histreasure - Yes o, you just can't blurt stuff like this out. Infinite wisdom and tact is very much needed. The problem i find with this type of situation is that some women choose to turn a blind eye to what their husbands get up to as long as he comes home to her and she's got his ring on her finger. What a complete bulls*t.

    Thanks for all your comments. I'll be sure to feed these comments back to my friend.


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