Thank's guys

Guess I should really get the thank yous out the way before I even start this blog so here goes. I’d like to thank you sincerely for taking the time to glance through my blog because the fact remains that a blog is nothing without it’s readers. Ok, this is not the Oscars so don’t expect a long sentimental list. If you read ‘about me’ you would have figured that I’m in my late twenties and class myself as a bit of a romantic (so I’ve been told by a few people). I used to do a bit of creative writing because I love the ability to be able to express myself through writing. When writing you have no boundaries or limitations and are able to be as open as you want. I found that the topics i wrote about were always related to romance, dating, love and motivational issues so I thought to myself ‘why not have a forum where I have the chance to write about these matters and an audience can participate?'...this is where you come in my faithful readers. I am by no means an expert at this stuff. If I have given you the impression that I am a Shakespeare in the making please do me a favour and lower your expectation a notch. I just do this as a hobby because I like writing. I hope you’ll appreciate my blog and find it enjoyable to read. Do feel free to leave insightful comments as this is a responsive blog. Your participation will be greatly appreciated. As the topic suggests I’ll be writing mainly about love, dating and anything else related to this topic through my eyes. This is where i say sit back, get really comfortable and prepare to be entertained (well, at least I hope you would be).
Welcome to blog land. Hope you enjoy your time on here.