How to find the right man ….cont’d

Cont'd from previous post....
So at the end of this rather insightful seminar, what did I actually learn? I learnt that a lot has changed since our parent’s days (mum, dad if you’re reading this you know I have a point). 10 years ago people would rather watch paint dry than attend a seminar to do with their love lives and this is not because they don’t need help but because of the stigma attached to matters of this nature and also their pride. A lot of people would use internet dating websites in secret back then because they didn’t want their friends to think they were desperate. Now everyone including their mums, dads and even grandads are using the internet. Internet dating has been accepted as part of the norm and a lot more people have actually had successful relationships after meeting their partner online. The technology era has played a great part in helping change the stigma that once dogged this phenomenon. People are no longer ashamed or petrified to ask for help with all the various avenues now available to them. They no longer feel the need to shy away from tackling certain issues that would have been classed as a ‘no go area’ in the past. They are happy to raise their hands in a class and say ‘I want love and I need help to find it’. What’s wrong with that? I for one can say that I am proud of the women who attended the seminar and instead of seeing them as abrasive or despondent, what I saw was women taking responsibility for their happiness and empowering themselves to do something. Did the seminar give a quick fix method of finding the Mr Right? No. Did Mr Presenter tell us something that was completely new to us? Not really. What the seminar did was give everyone who attended a sense of togetherness and make them realize that they were not alone. It brought different women together with the common goal of finding the right man and got them to talk openly about whatever issues they had. Hope I’m not coming across like a butch feminist with a women’s right slogan tattooed across my back but I believe in giving credit where it is due so i take my hat off to the women who attended for being valiant and defying the odds.
So would you attend a seminar on how to find the right partner? The harder question is really, if you attend this type of seminar would you feel comfortable telling your friends about it? Would you judge someone if they told you they were attending this seminar? Men, would you attend a seminar on how to find the right woman? I would love to hear what you all have to say so please feel free to contribute.
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